News and Opinions

Here are some links to news sources with information and opinions about what's happening in Minnesota and our communities

Ethnic Studies are now mandated for K-12 education.  Minnesota state law now mandates instruction in ethnic studies.  There is some thought that people are making money off these standards.  You can read it here.

Do we need capital punishment?  John Hinderaker from the Center of the American Experiment makes a case that we do.  You can read it here.

Senator Ron Johnson at the 2023 CD2 Reagan Dinner.   The senator from Wisconsin gave a thought provoking speech.  You can learn more here.

Minnesota does not require life-saving care for aborted babies born alive.   The state has removed any requirements to care for a born-alive baby or to even report the event.  The full story is here.

Library story hours you want your children to see - Brave Books organized library story hours featuring traditional values on the first weekend in August - an article is here.

The DFL trifecta made radical changes to education with many new requirements and prohibitions.  The Child Protection League has a summary that you can read here.

And the Minnesota Sun has some other information on what is happening in Education - Why do Republicans generally have a low opinion of public education - look here.

If Minnesota is such a great place, then why are young adults moving out?  The Minnesota Patch has some information on this trend - look here.

What about energy policy?  Are there any great ideas - how about stupid ideas?  The Center of the American Experiment has some information on the City of Minneapolis here.

Is Minnesota a model for the rest of the country?  Kendall Qualls of Take Charge doesn't think so.  You can read his comments on the state of our state here.

Is there racial bias in Minnesota law enforcement?  Since George Flyod's death we have been told that cops are biased.  You can read a report with actual statistics here.  And the Center of the American Experiment has a podcast on the subject here.

Off the Cliff.  15 Things The Legislature Did (That You Should Know About).  Center of the American Experiment has been giving a series of presentations about this year's legislative season.  See the amazing details here.

Which Minnesota Party has money?  Democrats like to call Republicans the "party of the rich".  Who really spent the most money in the last election and where did they get it?  You can learn more here.